Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Con Te Partiro... :'(

Assalammualaikum....maybe this is our last entry in this blog... is not because we want to leave your all, our readers, but it time to go.. Before that, i'm sure that you will search in google about what the meaning of my title right? hahahah... actually, Con Te Partiro is mean "with you I will leave". First of all, I would like to say thank you to our teech, Mr. Airil because willing to be our lecture for this semester. In deep of my heart, I love all of my friends, my lectures, Uitm and of course to you all, my faithful readers. I want to enjoy my life until my last breath with you guys. But, what can I do, is time now to go. Thanks for everything to you all because give me so many moment that I will not forget and maybe I will story to my future son and grandson about this. Going to Grammar jail, watching movie without any payment, had been served likes a children and so many things that I believe that I will not find it after this. Last but not least, I want to say sorry if I had done any mistake or make you unhappy along with me. To my lecture, Mr. Pit Bulu, hhuhu (just kidding), thanks for everything. "Jasamu dikenang sampai hidup sekali lagi"..hahaha.. I don't want to say goodbye to you all but likes "Pi" said, "but what always hurt the most,is not taking a moment to say goodbye". So, to all of you, see you next time and goodbye. I hope we will see after this. assalammualaikum. :'( 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "In deep of my heart, I love all of my friends, my lectures, Uitm and of course to you all, my faithful readers." <------ Im so touched with your sentence Ali.
    Macam takpercaya Ali menyayangi kami semua selama ni, Yeaaaaayyyyy :)


  3. Maya.... me too.... macam tak percaya jeee kan.... :'(


  4. i love AAC1103B and teech too. hugss <3

    -Wanie H-

  5. ali your picture just like I post. Same gitu...hahah.

  6. I nearly had a heart attack too, Ali... HA HA HA :o)

    Smile more, Sir Ali. Take things easy. And remember, we are all learners on Allah's great earth.

    Take care, young sir :-)

  7. so sweet Ali aka Ikal. haha. we will miss u teech!! -the great kakba
