Wednesday 31 July 2013

One of the chubbies here!


Hello everyone. First of all I want to welcome you all to my superduperpuper cute group's blog ever. Oh my! Everyone, please vomit your muntah hijau together now. Haha

Writing. I really hate to write either in English, malay, tamil, bangla, or Jamaica languages. Whenever someone ask me to write especially write an essay, I feel like I’m going to die slowly. My head and my stomach got a headache suddenly. My heart stop beating, my blood start to beku slowly. (Couldn’t find what beku in English) But, when I have finished those boring essay, I feel like to sleep forever and ever with a smile on my face like P.Ramlee said “mati dalam iman”. Haha.. Study is the one of syahid in Islam.

Okay, the main point is writing is the boring thing ever! Sorry teech. Haha

Thanks for reading this entry!
Lots of love, Wawa.


  1. haha use dictionary to find the meaning of BEKU :)

  2. haha.. it is already late.. 'rice has turn to porridge' haha

  3. haha.. thanks kiddos. happy ramadhan =) -wawa-
